As Community Bible Church draws near to its 75th Anniversary in 2026, we have taken our marching orders for next75 from the rich history of those who have gone before us. CBC was founded in 1951 with a heart and passion to reach our community and the younger generations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. With a legacy of doing just that, our leadership has re-focused our vision for next75 towards the same horizons of reaching our community and reaching the younger generations.

To help us accomplish this next75 vision, our elders believe God is leading us to pursue two initiatives over the coming years:
1. Starting a new church that is within 30 minutes of CBC in an area where a healthy, gospel-centered church doesn't already exist.
2. Expand our current facilities to better reach our community and younger generations.

frequently asked questions

As we continue exploring God's direction with the next75 initiatives, we want to keep the entire church Body updated. One way we will do that is through answering FAQs-- questions that are currently being asked about the next75 initiatives. The current list of questions and answers is below. Click on the FAQ List button for the most current list of questions and answers.
Updated 9/26/24

starting a new church

Start a new self-governing church in York County between Interstate 83 and the Susquehanna River with 70 adults led by Pastor Nate King.

If God is leading you to be of starting the new church in East York, we ask that you
complete the New Church Commitment Form by January 31, 2025.

Completing this form is your way of saying "yes" to being an active participant in the new church. (It is not an application.)

expanding our Building

Expand our building to reach the needs of the youth and local community in addition to adding a larger worship space to accommodate the expected growth.