Adult Ministries At CBC Exists To Create Healthy Environments In Which Adults Can Connect For The Purpose Of Loving God, Loving Others, And Reaching Out.
Not a part of a Life Group yet? Looking to grow and connect with others? We have a place for you!
CBC has a wide range of Life Groups available for men, women, couples, and young singles. Life Groups are a place you can know and be known. Life Groups are about sharing life with one another, studying God’s Word together, supporting one another, and serving others. Life Groups meet in various locations and times of the week.
When do Life Groups meet?
Life Groups run during Fall, Winter, and Summer sessions.
Where do Life Groups meet?
Life Groups meet in a variety of locations: at the church, in homes, and around our communities.
What types of groups are offered?
- Men
- Women
- Couples
- Singles
- Families
- New! Young Mothers
Why should I be in a Life Group?
- Enjoy a relaxed relational environment.
- Have significant conversations about real life.
- Contribute to the lives of others.
- Grow spiritually in a place that is safe and challenging.
- Gain a better understanding and application of the Bible.
- Find a place to belong and share the real you.
- Develop your heart and skills to lead and serve.
Complete the Life Group Interest Form and we will be in touch!
Rooted Discipleship Classes are designed to provide focused discipleship opportunities to become more grounded in your faith and connect
with others while learning biblical principles to apply to everyday life together.
with others while learning biblical principles to apply to everyday life together.
The registration for each class will open closer to when the class begins and will be available here with the description and on Realm under Events.
How to See Life: Discover Life According to Jesus
- January 12- February 16 | 9:30-10:40 a.m.
- An overview of God, the World, and Ourselves.
- Note: no class on Sunday, January 26
- Registration closed
Financial Peace University
- According to a study by the Ramsey Solutions research team, 40% of Americans say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month. If that’s you, it’s time to make a change. Take the first step and take back control of your finances by signing up for Financial Peace University. This can change everything! Your money. Your sleep. Your life.
- When: Sundays, February 2 - April 13 (excluding March 16), 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
- Where: Room 107
- Cost: $99.99 per family for 1 year
- Registration closed.
Parenting Your Adult Children
- February 23 (one Sunday) | 9:30 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
- Learn practical biblical principles for the next chapter of parenting.
- Registration opens Sunday, January 26. Click here to register.
- Registration closes Tuesday, February 18.
How to Give Away Your Faith
- March 2 - April 6 | 9:30 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
- Have a clear understanding of what the Gospel is and learn how to share it.
- Note: no class on Sunday, March 16
- Registration opens Sunday, February 2.
- Registration closes Tuesday, February 25.
Teaching Obedience to Toddlers
- April 27 (one Sunday) | 9:30 a.m.- 10:40 a.m.
- Learn practical biblical principles for teaching your toddler how to obey.
- Registration opens Sunday, March 30.
- Registration closes Tuesday, April 22.
The Gospels: The Heart of the Message
- May 4 - June 1 | 9:30 a.m.- 10:30 a.m.
- Discover the life and message of Jesus.
- Registration opens Sunday, April 6.
- Registration closes Tuesday, April 29