thursday-tuesday march 13-18
Get ready to learn more about how God is at work around the world at the
Global Reaching Out Conference!
Global Reaching Out Conference!

care packages
Bless the Global Partners by donating items for care packages that will be given to each attending Global Partner family!
Sign up for specific items and then bring them to the Care Package drop-off at the lateral files past the mailboxes.
More details are in the sign-up.
Sign up for specific items and then bring them to the Care Package drop-off at the lateral files past the mailboxes.
More details are in the sign-up.

friday: Men's Breakfast
7:00-8:30 a.m. | Multi-Purpose Room
$5 suggested donation
Get to know the Global Partner men over good food and good fellowship!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.
$5 suggested donation
Get to know the Global Partner men over good food and good fellowship!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.

saturday: missions auction
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Multi-Purpose Room
It’s a great way to rub shoulders with the Global Partners!
Get involved in the auction by donating items, bidding on items, donating food, or volunteering in the kitchen.
It’s a great way to rub shoulders with the Global Partners!
Get involved in the auction by donating items, bidding on items, donating food, or volunteering in the kitchen.
What Can I Donate?
Donations for the auction need to be brand new or handcrafted.
Some Examples (but not limited to):
Children’s Auction and Store: Consider donating on-trend toys, games, and craft/model kits geared for ages five through twelve.
Some Examples (but not limited to):
- homemade baked or canned goods
- handmade furniture
- new home decor
- activity or food-themed baskets
- quality handcrafted items
- new, quality tools
Children’s Auction and Store: Consider donating on-trend toys, games, and craft/model kits geared for ages five through twelve.
When Can I Donate?
Your donations can be dropped off at the tables in the hallway to the right of the MPR starting Wednesday, February 12 through the day of the auction.
Details for Large Items, Themed Baskets, and Certificates
Please submit all details by Sunday, March 2 so they can be published in the auction day booklet.
Make arrangements to drop off large items with Annie in the Church Office by calling the office or EMAIL Annie HERE.
Details for large items/themed baskets: EMAIL HERE
Details for certificates: CLICK HERE
Make arrangements to drop off large items with Annie in the Church Office by calling the office or EMAIL Annie HERE.
Details for large items/themed baskets: EMAIL HERE
Details for certificates: CLICK HERE
Donate Food for Auction Day
Volunteer in the Kitchen
You can help prepare and serve food in two-hour time slots on the day of the Missions Auction.

sunday: Show and Tell
Come hear what God's been doing this year through the Global Partners!
They will be sharing in the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services only in various rooms on the lower level. See page 9 of the booklet for details about who is sharing when, where, and at what time.
A light continental breakfast will be available before each session!
Note: Adult Life Groups and Anchored will not meet in order to allow everyone to attend a Show and Tell.
They will be sharing in the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services only in various rooms on the lower level. See page 9 of the booklet for details about who is sharing when, where, and at what time.
A light continental breakfast will be available before each session!
Note: Adult Life Groups and Anchored will not meet in order to allow everyone to attend a Show and Tell.

sunday: Storytime and Dinner
5:30-7:30 p.m. | Multi-Purpose Room
$10 suggested donation per family
Our Global Partners have exciting stories to share as they serve the Lord. Sit at a table with any of the Global Partners to get to know them better while you enjoy a delicious Caribbean style meal! Don’t miss this fun, family-friendly event!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.
$10 suggested donation per family
Our Global Partners have exciting stories to share as they serve the Lord. Sit at a table with any of the Global Partners to get to know them better while you enjoy a delicious Caribbean style meal! Don’t miss this fun, family-friendly event!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.

tuesday: women's breakfast
8:30-10:00 a.m. | Multi-Purpose Room
$5 suggested donation
Get to know the Global Partner women over good food and good fellowship!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.
$5 suggested donation
Get to know the Global Partner women over good food and good fellowship!
Registration is required by Sunday, March 9.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
CBC supports missionaries (Global Partners) serving within the United States and internationally. You can get a glimpse of our Global Partners, where they serve, and read updates about their ministries by checking out the Global Partners wall in the hallway through the double doors to the left of the Welcome Center.


The Global Reaching Out (GRO) Conference is held each March. There are various opportunities to interact with our CBC Global Partners who are in town for the event and hear how God is at work around the world.

The Missions Auction is held on a Saturday in March in conjunction with the Global Reaching Out Conference. This is event in the life of CBC is not to be missed as we gather for a fun day of fellowship and generous giving through the auctioning of new and homemade items, events, dinners, and more.
The funds raised from the auction allow us to give an extra financial blessing to each of our Global Partners as well as fund emergency needs that come up in the lives of our Global Partners throughout the year.
The funds raised from the auction allow us to give an extra financial blessing to each of our Global Partners as well as fund emergency needs that come up in the lives of our Global Partners throughout the year.

Short-term mission trips occur throughout the year both within the United States and internationally. Opportunities are promoted to the congregation as they arise.