Livestream troubleshooting

CBC Online:

If you're experiencing any technical issues while trying to watch Community Bible Church Online, please start by trying the three possible fixes below. Most of the time, one of these fixes will solve the issues.
  1. Refresh the page
  2. Double-check your internet connection
  3. Try using a different web browser

Refresh your browser (CTRL + R keys simultaneously, Command + R on a mac), by clicking the circular arrow symbol at the top of the screen or close it and re-open again – This can fix video freezing and other irregular behavior.

The player controls are located at the bottom of the player window. Often the control bar is hidden until you hover the cursor over the bottom of the player window. 
  • Play/Pause Button – usually located on the lower-left corner of the player bar, often times the stream won’t start unless you click the PLAY button.
  • Sound Level – Make sure to unmute the audio by clicking the speaker icon in the player control bar and raise the volume with this control as well.
  • Picture Options – Click on the gear icon in the player control bar. Some broadcasts offer different quality levels. Choose higher numbers to increase picture quality. Choose lower numbers to reduce buffering.

Make sure you only have one browser window or tab open, otherwise you might have two instances of the webcast playing, which will cause an annoying echo or slow down your experience.

Close unnecessary applications. Multiple apps running can slow down the video performance and take up too much bandwidth.

Reboot your device. This helps to clear the browser cache and re-establish a connection with the streaming server.